Friday, April 25
who's who
Wednesday, April 23
the goods and the bads
Little boys have a passion for super heroes. I knew it and now I have proof: I've interviewed young boys, aged 4 to 8, from England, Argentina, USA, Holland, France and Spain.
They all seem to share the same fascination with the good and the bad guys, the super powers, the guns and the swords.
Their super heroes are Luke Skywalker, Batman, Jack Sparrow, Albator, Superman, Spiderman, Hulk.
They think they are "super" because they stand and fight for the right, "killing and battling the bad guys and coming to the rescue of the good guys."
They love when they "fly, kick and punch" like Superman, "jump, climb and snare the bad guys with web" like Spiderman or "beat the bads with a single blow" like Hulk.
It's amazing to see how these heroes are a part of their world - they watch them on DVDs, play with their figures, proudly wear their tee-shirts or total outfit, sing their song, draw them and act like them.
John and Oscar both want to wear belts to hold their swords, like their heroes. Nicolas did his special Hulk-kick, kicking in the air until his shoe came off flying. And Henry told me the story of "a robot attacking the city to then be knocked down by the bad guy who wanted to prove he was the strongest but eventually got himself beaten up by the super hero".
If some boys cultivate a strong passion for superheroes, others like Nicholas are not at all into it but seems to know everything about trains, trams and airplanes. I guess I'll investigate this further soon.
Thank you Marceau, Lucas, Karim, Henry, John, Nicholas, Pol, Nicolas, Oscar, Eric.
Hong Kong flashback
This week-end, I eventually decided to organise the pictures of my "sort" folder (set up as the default location for new picts) back in album, which I hadn't done since last July. And I found this picture.
I shot this little girl last October in Hong Kong ; I remember that she naturally took the pose when I asked her if I could take her photo.
I like the tiny silhouette before the huge skyscrapers of the city.
Monday, April 21
tough guy
Sunday, April 20
two of a kind
I'm still wondering what these two boys are doing, with their feet into plastic buckets. They are surely having fun.
And guess what? I saw them again in the exact same position the day after I took the picture.
They actually reminded me of the characters Quick and Flupke from the eponymous comic book by Hergé, who unintentionally cause trouble, leading to annoyance with the police.
Saturday, April 19
a thousand apples
As I was walking back home through the park, I spotted this young lady playing tag with her mum and naturally, I got closer.
I really like how fresh her outfit looks. And her white shoes is a delightful matching touch.
(the print of her coat reminded me of those from Katvig).Her coat is by Sugar Pink and was bought in Scotland.
Friday, April 18
Thursday, April 17
Wednesday, April 16
hotel de la plage
Later bedtimes, marinières and new experiences... they can't wait for the summer vacation to come.
Tuesday, April 15
casually perfect
The days you don't have time or just can't be bothered looking for the matching clothes that fit them, go for a pair of jeans and a white top.
As simple as that.
Monday, April 14
think different
I often hear that it's easier and more fun to shop for clothes for girls than it is for boys because there's more to choose among - more clothes, more colours, more prints and patterns.
There might be some truth in that but I believe that it's also a matter of habits and perception.
Who said that purple was not for boys? That boys would only wear jeans and tee-shirts? That tops should be either plain, striped or adorned with big numbers and letters to please them? That brown and blue were pretty much the only two available colours for them?
Hopefully, the two outfits below will make you look at the offer differently.
I picked up those outfits as I really like their casual elegant style.
Saturday, April 12
It is the title of the fashion serie in the new issue of Bubble Mag. I like the name because it brings back the childhood memories of the summer vacation by the seaside.
I picked up two pictures in this serie - resp. showcasing a mass-market and a high-end brands.
I like the print (it reminds me of Antik-Batik) and the fact that the brand uses vintage materials and reworked vintage clothes.
Friday, April 11
radio star
xsmall is a kids clothing store in Amsterdam and here is their postcard, featuring two little girls both wearing Quincy dresses.
I like when kids fashion photographs go beyond the typical smiling faces, which usually look quite compelled anyway. And this picture did it well with these two girls facing the wall as they're seemingly playing "hide and seek".
I also really like the radio print dress, which definitely stands out among the usual girly flower prints. And it also reminded me of this great song by the Buggles (here below is the clip video for the nostalgic fans).
Thursday, April 10
culture chat
I came across this photograph while looking into the archives of Pike/Pine, a street fahsion blog I recently discovered. It happened in a Shanghai museum.
I think it's a great shot of spontaneity and style - almost hard to believe it really happened.
And the mini handbags are a nice touch that perfectly complement the outfits.
good match
The checked and striped patterns are very pleasing together. And the close-up definitely helps it all work.via fine little day.
Tuesday, April 8
the cat and the pirate
There is something mysterious about these photographs, on the line between reality and dreams. They look like they relate the strange adventure of two little girls taking part in a masquerade ball.
I was especially drawn to them when I saw the masks that, I think, make the outfits and build the story.
I feel pretty
"Such a pretty face, such a pretty dress
Such a pretty smile, such a pretty me!"
Tuesday, April 1
she did it too!
Rosie the Riveter is a cultural icon of the United States that represented the women who went to work during WWII to do men's job.
I also found out that it was the character who inspired Beth Miles when she designed her darling annie e. denim overall for little girls.
I like the idea of a fictional character being brought back to life and in such a subtle way that only the happy few know about it.
Besides, I'm always curious to hear how designers find their inspiration ; it tells you much more about them and their style than a full biography would.